!@#$ing databases….
Of Code and Programs
Hmm, do I regret never having formal education in programming ? Not really no. Although I think it would’ve been cool to of had a teacher.
When it comes to languages and what not, every thing I know I’ve basically learned on my own. With the assistance of the fine World Wide Web of course. For what ever reason, don’t know any more lmao. I started learning C++ one day. Said what the heck, installed an IDE and hit the web.
That was maybe 1.5-2.5 years ago I think..
One thing I do think I’ve missed out on. Is being educated on the things that transcend the languages. For example.. implementing a bubble sort in language foo should be easy enough ! But on the other hand. I’d much rather have a strong understanding of sorting algorithms and how to work out such problems my self. Then be able to implement the same solutions in many tongues. Although there’s arguably no optimal algorithm that can solve any problem hehehe.
I find my self most often thinking in C or Pseudo English when trying to express my thoughts about computer code. I know about linked lists and such. But implementation wise I tend to visualize that sorta stuff in C =/.
I don’t know why but Unix, C, and Vi feel just right. Like an extension of my hands. Now, I’m no solid programmer that’s for sure. But for all of my personal study C is my strongest language. I’m not sure which I’m better at expressing my self in. English or C, its like a First and Second language kinda thing =/.
I don’t really think I’m cut out for systems work but I often think about it. Stuff like implementing languages, compilers, drivers e.t.c. all interest me. Hell I’d write my own device drivers if I knew what the heck I was doing. Only thing is I don’t :@
For me the language is a way of expressing a problem, an idea, or maybe even a solution. Although I reckon its meant to be easier for the computer to understand then humans lol. When reading programs I find the hardest things not figuring out what the code does. But how it interacts with the things around it.
Like, the initiation code in the FreeBSD kernel. The codes right there, plain enough as the nose in front of my face. But its hard to understand it. Because I know jack about it. The intimate relationship between the hardware… hard to grasp that fine. Yet its some thing that interests me so.
alas, tis late and I have a feeling to be close to some code. But I have no problem to solve. Well other then a little idea for the Rct Checklist hehe. I know near diddly squat about PHP and MySQL. But its fun and the syntax is close enough to C/C++/Java/Perl that I can figure it out, looking up a few odds and ends to be sure. As I go along with it. Like functions scope.
I do rather like C in that regard, I feel how it handles scope and linkage to be rather logical. Yet in a simple manor for most of it.
Is t his abuse?
I hit http://www.vim.org/ to look for some script and stopped by their tips section. Since I didn’t have any thing else, well I started reading in the tips section. I know its a nice spot to find un-common keybinds and some nice macros and functions.
Is this abuse of the ‘tabbed browsing’ features ???
Hehehehe I think so!!
I knew it !!!
I was toying with a Distro chooser, after all I’m thinking of setting up a Linux Distro on one box.
I’ve been thinking about a Linux From Scratch actually, the perk of defining my own file system hier (mostly) is hard to drop. I ran through it, and oddly enough it recomended two distros. The Second was Slackware which does not like the machine very well and the First recomendation which I knew it had to be !! HAHAHAAHAHHA
ROFLMBO I knew it had to do that to me!
I don’t have time for starting off learning Ada and not in the mood for reading. So I’m toying with Ruby. Its good really, and I should brush up with Perl too.
I dunno why but for some reason I seem fascinated by the Ada language 0.o
Photo Op
PC-BSD 1.3/FreeBSD 6.1-Release and KDE 3.5.5. The system monitor is Gkrellm2, the console saver is cmatrix and the menu bar has a shredder and network browser applet installed.
Linux or BSD?
Some how it figures, I always have more issues setting up a Linux system then a BSD one… Go figure
Linux supports newer hardware faster
but BSD tends to just detect it.
Heck, if the box in question had a Floppy disk I think I’d install OpenBSD on the thing and go /w the X11 option. But if it won’t dual boot FreeBSD and PC-BSD without hicups I doubt OpenBSD and PC-BSD would be any better….
Bloody hardware !!!
And thinking about early Linux systems, the term ‘Linux/GNU’ probably is more accurate then Linux or GNU/Linux =/
Link fest
I’m going out of my fucking mind.
During the day its impossimble to do _any_ thing that requires concintration.
At night I can only work till my mind shuts down due to lack of sleep.
Ether I throw all of you the fuck out of the house for a few hours.
Or life stays as is and I live with torture.
Ready to burst here…
While I’m to tired to understand why this writes past the end of the array
#include <assert.h>
#define bounds(_i, _n) (assert( (unsigned) (_i) < (_n) ), (_i) )
* fout is what we are appending to and should be open rw as necessary.
* farray is an array of file pointers, "farsize" is the size of the array.
concatenate( FILE *fout, FILE *farray[], const unsigned char *farsize) {
int c;
unsigned int fi = 1;
FILE *fin; /* current segment of farray[] to fout. */
while ( (fi < farsize[0])) {
fin = farray[bounds(fi, *farsize)];
while ( (c = fgetc(fin )) != EOF ) {
fputc( c, fout );
I’m GOING TO BED. 0832 Zulu time on my clock…. must sleeep sleep….
what is that again?